söndag 16 december 2007

Shoplifter of the world etc

Tror inte längre att jag har narkolepsi, det räckte att sova ut några dagar.

I can't believe the government even classifies what we do as a job. A job is something you can do for life. A job has some dimension of hope to it. Setting up fresh little sheets of white paper for people to use to test magic markers is not a hope scenario. All people ever draw is squiggles. It'd be fun if they wrote the occasional fuck or drew anarchy symbols. I still can't believe people ever pay for pens. Talk about the world's most shopliftable item. Staples must die.

Läser Gum Thief (First U.S. Edition 2007, heh) och som vanligt är det citatfest.

Annars borde väl kall ledig decembersöndag betyda Grindhouse-maraton. Tror det.

Smith - Baby it's you

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